17 Things You Need to Know About the New Stimulus Package
Congress passed the new $900 billion economic relief and spending bill on Monday. While most of the focus has been on a second round of relief payments to most Americans, there is plenty more in the 5,000-plus pages of the stimulus package.
5 Reasons to Think About Long-Term Care Planning Today
I once received an email from a family friend about long-term care insurance. He was frustrated over a premium increase – which wasn’t the first rate hike – yet, he was still thankful for the policy. Despite the rising cost, he knew the importance of long-term care insurance in helping prot …
Volatility – What to Expect and How to Act
I recently gave an annual presentation to the 401(k) participants I advise. I always try to explain risk tolerance and investing to my audience in an easily understandable way. For most of the participants, investing in their 401(k) has been their only experience investing, so their knowled …
Everyone Offers Retirement Planning These Days. What’s so Special About Our Approach?
We often compare retirement planning to trying to hit a moving target in the wind. The target is your retirement goals – essentially what you want to spend and accomplish with your finances. The target is moving because you don’t know how long you will live – your retirement could last 5 ye …
Why Should I Hire a Financial Advisor?
As an advisor, we get tasked with showing someone why they should pay us to give them advice. If clients can do it all themselves or hire a computer to invest, what is the true value of having a financial advisor? Is it really worth it?
How Do I Know Which Investment Strategy Makes the Most Sense for Me?
Our disciplined discovery process is key to understanding the right investment strategy for your specific situation. Once we have the answers from our clients, we begin to think about the second category of factors which involve the overall health of the economy.
Why I Chose To Be A Financial Advisor
Published by Teresa Milner We all experience many journeys in life. Often times we are left wondering why certain things happen to us. Why do we suffer? Why we do experience joy? Why am I alone? Why, why, why . . .
Qualified vs. Non-Qualified – I Don’t Get It?!
Published by Teresa Milner If you’ve ever engaged in a conversation about retirement and you heard the terminology of qualified vs. non-qualified but you had no clue what that meant – know you’re not alone! The following is a basic explanation of the difference: